Thank you for signing up for the TeamVOLS Special Events Program listserv!
As the school year picks back up, you will begin receiving updates about
activities going on through this program. We, here in the TeamVOLS office,
hope that you're able to volunteer often with us!
We wanted to let you know of a couple great things going on outside of
Special Events :
- Alternative Fall Break applications are available online until Sept. 3:
http://activities.utk.edu/teamvols/alternative-break-trips/ . Consider signing
up for these great opportunities to serve populations outside the Knoxville
area! AFB 2010 will be Oct 7-10!
- Consider coming to the 2nd Annual Career Services and TeamVOLS Volunteer
and Service Corps Fair if you are interested in learning more about
volunteering while you're in school and possible opportunities for service after
graduation. The fair will be held Wed., Sept 15 from 2-5pm in the UC Ballroom.
There is also a Service Corps Panel, that everyone is welcome to attend, at
5:30pm in UC Rm. 226.
You can find out more information here:
Please visit the TeamVOLS Office (315A UC), call us at 974-8481 or e-mail us
at [log in to unmask] if you have questions!
- TeamVOLS Staff
Special Events is a project of TeamVOLS - The Volunteer Center
315A University Center | 1502 W. Cumberland Ave. | (865) 974-8481 | [log in to unmask]
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