Electronic health records will provide the foundation for the new era of health care delivery. By learning more about healthcare informatics, you can gain the knowledge that will make a difference in your career as a health provider, health administrator or system designer-or even as a patient or consumer.
Dr. Prudence Dalrymple, Director of Drexel's Institute for Healthcare Informatics, hosts a discussion about the evolving field of Medical/Health Informatics, including such topics as:
What is Healthcare Informatics?
How can I prepare for a career in this field?
What kinds of jobs are out there for people interested in Healthcare Informatics?
The iSchool's three-course (9 credits), comprehensive Certificate in Healthcare Informatics is designed for information professionals, clinical personnel and healthcare support personnel who want to increase their knowledge of health information technology and management of the complex social and organizational issues surrounding this major change in healthcare.
And much more.
Join Us
Thursday, August 26, 2010
12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
This session will be hosted online only.
R.S.V.P. at https://www.ischool.drexel.edu/home/about/calendar/rsvp?ID=1864 by August 23.