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News for Students - Monday, Feb 15, 2010


"student@tennessee" <[log in to unmask]>




Mon, 15 Feb 2010 12:37:35 -0500





text/plain (87 lines)

Student@Tennessee, Monday, Feb 15, 2010
Newsletter for UT Knoxville Students


--- This year, UT is participating in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). Freshmen and seniors who have not completed the survey will receive a reminder tomorrow, Feb. 16. Participation in NSSE is important because the results will be used to improve undergraduate education at UT. In this era of budget cuts, your honest assessment of your experience at UT is important. If you have any questions about the project on this campus or the university's interest in using the results, contact Elizabeth Pemberton in the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment at 974-4373.

--- Come take the VolWalk of Life tomorrow. It's an opportunity to familiarize yourselves with the many resources available on campus to aid in your academic success. Representatives from colleges and campus organizations, along with campus life and graduation resources, will be on hand in the University Center ballroom from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to discuss offerings and assistance with students. Chancellor Jimmy G. Cheek and Provost Susan Martin will speak to students at 11:30 a.m. Lady Vols basketball coach Pat Summitt and men's basketball coach Bruce Pearl will join Cheek and Martin in addressing students about the importance of their UT experiences and academic success.

--- In celebration of Faculty Appreciation Week, Feb. 17- 23, you can leave a "shout out" to thank your favorite UT professor, researcher, instructor, lecturer, graduate teaching assistant or associate for the great work they do. Go to to post your thoughts and read what others have written about UT faculty members who have been special to them.

Mark Your Calendar

--- Faculty, staff and students who have dreamed of starting their own businesses are invited to attend Vol Court 2010, a series of free how-to seminars led by experts from across the state. The one-hour seminars will be held on Tuesdays in February and March. Tomorrow's seminar is at 5 p.m. at the Haslam Business Building. Topic: "Generating Product Ideas, Developing and Protecting Your Idea."

--- The UT College Republicans will meet at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in 221 UC. Free and open to the public.

--- All Campus Events (ACE) is holding the first mandatory meeting for Carnicus 2010, 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the 3rd floor lounge area of the UC. Questions? E-mail [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

--- The American Medical Student Association and Alpha Epsilon Delta will be hosting an information session on medical school military scholarships, 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in HSS 104. Chief Zitelli from the Navy and SSgt Mandrell from the Air Force will be present to answer questions and discuss possible military medical careers and scholarships. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Questions? E-mail [log in to unmask]

--- The Cultural Attractions Committee will host "Grupo De Rua," 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Bijou Theatre downtown. "Grupo de Rua" is a Brazilian dance company that features streetdance, combining hip-hop with contemporary dance and set to a classical music soundtrack with a distinctly contemporary sensibility. Tickets are $5 for students, $20 for faculty, and $25 for the general public and are available at the Central Ticket Office in the University Center. For more info e-mail [log in to unmask] or visit

--- The UT Knoxville chapter of Pi Delta Phi, the French honor society, is having an interest meeting at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17, in 226 UC. Open to students who have completed a 300-level French course with a GPA of 3.0 or better. Questions? E-mail [log in to unmask]

--- Is your "inner entrepreneur" demanding to be set free? Do you want to join that elite group of individuals who have taken ideas and turned them into successful businesses, creating value, jobs and considerable wealth in the process? If so, the College of Business Administration invites you to enter the third annual Business Plan Competition. All UT Knoxville undergraduate students are eligible. Students can enter any idea, from the world’s best lemonade stand to a new way to harness solar energy.
Following are important dates in the competition:

* Feb. 17 — Drop-in Workshop: “Translating Your Idea into a Simple Concept Statement.” The topic will be covered every 30 minutes between 5 and 7 p.m. in the University Center Crest Room.
* March 1 — Deadline for concept statement submissions to be submitted to the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at [log in to unmask] (Requirements for concept summaries are listed under “judging sequence” at
* March 5 — Top 10 concepts in each category will be announced. Winners will be notified and move on to second round.

--- Diabetes Advocacy Board meeting, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17, in UC 237. Open to the public. Questions? E-mail [log in to unmask]

--- Relationship forum, "The UGLY Truth," 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 17, in the Clement Hall basement meeting space. Sponsored by Lambda Theta Alpha and Kappa Alpha Psi. Free and open to the public. Questions? E-mail [log in to unmask]

--- "'The Heartland Series' Speaker Speaks: Bill Landry Live," 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, in the Baker Center. Hear more about this groundbreaking series of features on the people and places and stories of Appalachia that aired from 1984 to 2009 on Knoxville's WBIR-TV. Free and open to the public. For more info call 974-6965.

--- The UT Science Forum presents Chris Spencer of the Knoxville Utilities Board, who will speak on "Wetlands – What They Are and Why We Need Them," noon Friday, Feb. 19, in Thompson-Boling Arena dining rooms C-D. Free and open to the public. For more info call 974-8156, e-mail [log in to unmask] or visit

Get Involved

--- Join the Issues Committee, a Central Program Council committee that hosts events and brings speakers to campus to address issues of the public sphere. Applications can be found at Applications are due Feb. 19.

--- The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is currently accepting applications for the position of Admissions Student Recruiter for the 2010-2011 school year. Within the program, there are three divisions –- Volunteer Team Members (who work with prospective student athletes), Campus Tour Guides (who work with the UT Visitors' Center and conduct campus tours), and Diversity Recruitment (who work with all weekend diversity recruitment programs). Students are paid $7.25 per hour. If you are interested in learning more about these programs, come to one of the information sessions, 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 22, or Wednesday, Feb. 24, in Hodges Library Auditorium, or visit to download an application. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 26, at 320 Student Services Building. Questions? E-mail [log in to unmask]

Important Deadlines

--- The application deadline for Mortar Board is Wednesday, Feb. 17. Mortar Board is the premier national honor society recognizing college seniors for superior achievement in scholarship, leadership and service. Mortar Board members are not only recognized as the top scholars and leaders on their campuses, but are presented with the unique opportunity to join a diverse group of students from vastly different disciplines and interests in this great Society. Applicants must have Junior Standing and GPA of/ or above 3.31. Apply online at Questions? E-mail [log in to unmask]

--- The Congressional Internship Program is designed to provide students with the opportunity to work with Tennessee's legislators in Washington, D.C. Interns will work closely with legislative staff on a variety of projects, as well as assist with clerical tasks, depending upon the office in which they are placed. Internships will last approximately six weeks and will be scheduled during May and June. Application deadline is March 1.

Knoxville Connection

--- The American Medical Student Association needs volunteers for the National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP) Saturday, Feb. 20, at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church in Knoxville. Around 75 at-risk patients from the Knoxville community will be screened for potential kidney disease. Shifts are available from 8:15 to 11:15 a.m. and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Volunteers will work in stations ranging from collecting demographic information to handling blood and urine samples. If you're interested, e-mail your name, phone number, preferred work shift, and T-shirt size to [log in to unmask]

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