ICERM: Braids Reunion Workshop
Monday, July 15 through Friday, July 19, 2024
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)
Providence, Rhode Island
We would like to invite you to a conference all about braids. In 2022, ICERM hosted the Braids Semester Program which brought together braid enthusiasts from many areas of algebra, geometry and topology. This reunion workshop aims to bring back mathematicians who participated in the program and invite new researchers to join the community for an event that will rekindle the interactions between fields where the subject of braid groups naturally arises. The workshop will have a variety of activities, with research talks, problem sessions, and dedicated work time for collaboration. Special emphasis will be placed on highlighting the work of early-career mathematicians and providing space to develop new collaborations.
Registration through ICERM Cube portal can be accessed via the following link:
Invited speakers for the conference include:
Orsola Capovilla-Searle (University of California, Davis)
Rima Chatterjee (University of Cologne)
Sergei Gukov (California Institute of Technology)
Keiko Kawamuro (University of Iowa)
Marc Kegel (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Siddhi Krishna (Columbia University)
Christine Ruey Shan Lee (Texas State University)
Jose Simental Rodriguez (Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics)
Hannah Turner (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Yvon Verberne (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Biji Wong (Brandeis University)
Angela Wu (Louisiana State University)
Jiajun Yan (University of Virginia)
Melissa Zhang (University of California, Davis)
Organizing Committee:
Matthew Hedden (Michigan State University)
Matt Hogancamp (Northeastern University)
Jonathan Johnson (Oklahoma State University)
Miriam Kuzbary (Amherst College)
Nancy Scherich (Elon University)
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