This is the first announcement for the Midwest Geometry Conference,
which will take place at Wichita State University March 11-13, 2022.
Paula Burkhardt-Guim (New York University)
Christine Escher (Oregon State University)
Nestor Guillen (Texas State University)
Dohyun Kwon (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Stephen McKeown (University of Texas, Dallas)
Chikako Mese (Johns Hopkins University)
Free registration is now available at the website listed above. Please
register early even if you are not applying for funding, in order to
help with our planning.
NSF funding is available to support the participation of undergraduate
and graduate students, postdocs, and those without other sources of
support. Please fill out the registration form in order to apply for
funding. The deadline for full consideration for funding is January 16, 2022.
If you would like to give a 20-minute contributed talk, please make your request by the deadline November 30, 2021, for full consideration. Requests to give contributed talks can be made on the registration page.
We look forward to seeing you in March!
Catherine Searle
on behalf of the organizers
David Auckly
Ivan Blank
Xiaolong Li
Yueh-Ju Lin
Xuan Hien Nguyen
Catherine Searle
Pablo Raúl Stinga
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