Good afternoon!
The UT System Office of Academic Affairs and Student Success (the office
where I work), in collaboration with the Department of Educational
Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) and the Post-secondary Education
Research Center (PERC), would like to (re)convene a “Lunch & Learn” series for current ELPS graduate students.
The purpose of the
series for current ELPS graduate students.
The purpose of the “Lunch & Learn” series is two-fold:
1) To provide opportunities for current ELPS graduate students to con
connect throughout the academic year. Whether you are new to a graduate pro
program of study or are in the trenches of writing your dissertation, con
connection is important if we are to make it through successfully.
2) To engage with and learn from UT faculty and administrators. Pe
Perhaps you are struggling to identify faculty to serve on your th
thesis/dissertation committee, or perhaps you are considering a new ad
administrative role. Either way, there is a lot we can learn from our faculty an
and administrators now and in the future.
How the “Lunch & Learn” series will work:
• We’ll meet at the same place/same time each month during the lunch h
hour (or brunch hour, depending on the month). Location is currently TBD.
• This will likely be a “brown bag” event, unless I’m able to coordinate
otherwise (I’m still working through those details).
• There will be three “lunch & learn” sessions per semester, six per
academic year (i.e., Sept-Nov and Feb-Apr).
• A different administrator will attend each session. We could have th
them present, do Q&A, or just make it more casual.
I’ve put together a brief survey to help me identify ideal times to schedule these events and
these events and speakers we can invite to participate. Please provide your feedback by Frid
feedback by Friday, August 30 at 5:00pm.
Thank you for your input!
Leigh Cherry, MA
Coordinator for Student Success Initiatives
Doctoral Student, Higher Education Administration
Office of Academic Affairs and Student Success
The University of Tennessee System
711-G1 Andy Holt Tower
1331 Circle Park Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
Office: 865.974.8849
Email: [log in to unmask]