FDIS 2019: Finite dimensional integrable systems in geometry and
mathematical physics
Tuesday, May 7, 2019 to Saturday, May 11, 2019
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Our traditional conference aspires to be the main event in the field of
finite dimensional integrable systems. It is organized every other year,
each time in a new location and by a new organising committee. We are trying
to cover the whole field of integrable systems and provide an opportunity
for perspective participants to present their results in this area.
URL: http://math.sjtu.edu.cn/FDIS2019/
Vladimir S. Matveev (U. Jena, GER),
Tudor Ratiu (Shanghai Jiao Tong U., CHN),
Sergei Tabachnikov (Penn. State U., USA),
Xiang Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong U., CHN),
Nguyen Tien Zung (U. Toulouse, FRA)
INVITED SPEAKERS: (*= to be confirmed)
Anthony Bloch* (U. Michigan, USA)
Alexey Bolsinov (Loughborough U., UK))
Robert Bryant* (Duke U., USA)
Anatoly Fomenko (Moscow U., RU)
Sonja Hohloch (U. Antwerp, BE)
Xingbiao Hu (Chinese Acad Sci, CHN)
Anton Izosimov (U. Arizona, USA)
Thomas Kappeler (U. Zόrich, CH)
Senyue Lou (East China N. U., CHN)
Jaume Llibre* (U. Auto. Bacelona, ES)
Eva Miranda (U. Poly. Catalunya, ES)
San Vu Ngoc (U. Rennes, FRA)
Taras Panov (Moscow U., RU)
Changzheng Qu (Ningbo U., CHN)
Shaoyun Shi (Jilin U., CHN)
Alexander Veselov (Loughborough U., UK)
Youjin Zhang (Tsinghua U., CHN)
If you are interested in giving a short (15-30 minutes) presentation, please
register and submit the title and the abstract at
by the 8th of January. Otherwise you can register later. Most foreign
visitors to China will need visas; if you need an invitation, we recommend
you to register by the 8th of January.
Local support for presenters may be available, with preference to early
stage carriere researchers. The conference is supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China, the School of Mathematical Sciences, of
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and by MOE-LSEC.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
School of Mathematical Sciences
200240 Shanghai China
More information:
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