Dear friends and colleagues,
You are cordially invited to attend the workshop " Approximation, deformation,
quasification" which will take place at the Newton Institute in Cambridge (UK) from May 8
to May 12, 2017. The keynote speakers include:
Goulnara Arzhantseva
Uri Bader
Emmanuel Breuillard
Michelle Bucher
Danny Calegari
Indira Chatterji
David Fisher
Tsachik Gelander
Harald Helfgott
Alessandra Iozzi (tbc)
Aditi Kar
Fanny Kassel
Peter Kropholler
Alex Lubotzky
Kathryn Mann
Nikolay Nikolov
Anne Parreau
Alan Reid
Mikael de la Salle
Andreas Thom
Stefaan Vaes
Phillip Wesolek (tbc).
Registration should be done online on the workshop homepage:
The deadline is February 6.
We have a limited amount of external funding for young participants to cover the
registration fee for this workshop and the travel expenses. Applying to this support can be
done at registration. We especially encourage US-based researchers to apply.
Looking forward to see you there!
Best regards,
Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace
David Fisher
Henry Wilton
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