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Deadline Extension: ICIMP 2016 || May 22 - 26, 2016 - Valencia, Spain


Jaime Lloret Mauri <[log in to unmask]>


Peer-to-Peer <[log in to unmask]>


Tue, 8 Dec 2015 03:48:32 +0100





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The submission deadline has been extended to January 19, 2016.

Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results to:

- ICIMP 2016, The Eleventh International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended article versions to one of the IARIA Journals:

============== ICIMP 2016 | Call for Papers ===============


ICIMP 2016, The Eleventh International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection

General page:

Submission page:

Events schedule: May 22 - 26, 2016 - Valencia, Spain

- regular papers [in the proceedings, digital library]
- short papers (work in progress) [in the proceedings, digital library]
- ideas: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- extended abstracts: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters: two pages [in the proceedings, digital library]
- posters:  slide only [slide-deck posted at]
- presentations: slide only [slide-deck posted at]
- demos: two pages [posted at]
- doctoral forum submissions: [in the proceedings, digital library]

Proposals for:
- mini symposia: see
- workshops: see
- tutorials:  [slide-deck posed on]
- panels: [slide-deck posed on]

Submission deadline: January 19, 2016

Sponsored by IARIA,
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals:
Print proceedings will be available via Curran Associates, Inc.:
Articles will be archived in the free access ThinkMind Digital Library:

The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas.

All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels.

Before submission, please check and comply with the editorial rules:

ICIMP 2016 Topics (for topics and submission details: see CfP on the site)

Call for Papers:


TRASI: Internet traffic surveillance and interception
    Methods and context to classify legal and illegal traffic; Methods and procedure to classify wanted and undesired traffic; Overloads, attacks, and failures; Detection of attacks via protocols and applications; Undesired traffic evaluation; Traffic identification caused by malicious code (spam, virii, and worms, etc.); Traffic profile during disaster recovery; Traffic during active emergency services; Early warning on growing undesired traffic; Access control and audit detection points; Denial of service; Spoofing; Lawful interception; Multi-modal undesired traffic detection; Measurements and data mining correlation; Countermeasures on undesired traffic

IPERF: Internet performance
    Performance-oriented design; Active and passive performance monitoring; Performance metrics and measurements; Measurement-based performance evaluation in Internet; System measurement and monitoring; Performance model verification and validation; Stochastic modeling (queues,  Petri nets, etc.); Statistical performance; Performance of Internet routing; Performance optimization; Internet performance prediction; Internet performance evaluation studies; Internet performance testbeds; Performance evaluation of Web search engines; Performance evaluation of P2P systems

RTSEC: Security for Internet-based real-time systems
    Security and availability of Web Services; Security/Performance trade-off; Distributed systems security; Language-based security; Formalisms for security and protocol verification; Performance on firewall protected real-time systems; Security management in real-time systems; Metrics and techniques for security risk assessment; Internet monitoring and response security service; Protecting emergency communications from misuse and exploitation; Maintaining security in the face of disaster; Intrusion prevention and detection systems; Secure networks from web-based threats

DISAS: Disaster prevention and recovery
    Survivable networks on chips; Intrusion detection and defense; Alerting systems based on outstanding network events; Recovery methods in various networks; Disaster diagnosis and continuity plans; Fighting mechanisms for disaster of networks and applications; Global positioning systems; Vehicle localization and navigation systems; Disaster relief agencies to perform recovery operations; Survivability-driven defense and do-it-yourself disaster recovery; Security during disaster recovery; Budgeting disaster recovery; Networks emergency services; Reliable emergency communications and applications; Response to the networks emergency services; Disaster prevention and recovery; Fighting mechanisms for disaster of networks and applications; Networks resiliency methods; Recovery in various networks; Theory on robust networks; Customer protection and serviceability perception; Cost models and business impact; Cultural and legal aspects; Future advanced network development and evol!
 ution; Standards and guidelines; La
wful interception and defense strategies; Security issues with emergency services and disaster recovery

EMERG: Networks and applications emergency services
    Survivability architecture for e-commerce; Emergency and non-emergency services; Emergency coverage and intermittent services; PSAPs and emergency services; Future 911 PSAP message interfaces; Reliable emergency communications; Next generation of emergency communications; Response to the networks emergency services; Voice emergency notification services

MONIT: End-to-end sampling, measurement, and monitoring
    Internet monitoring techniques and procedures; Monitoring tools, functions, and metrics; Combining, filtering, and reporting monitoring metrics; Theory and practice on sampling/inversion problem (accuracy, complexity, etc.); Distributed and adaptive sampling techniques; Sampling & inverting traffic with passive and active systems; Internet end-to-end measurements from a sampling perspective; Impact of sampling on anomaly detection; Mechanisms for sampling the Internet traffic or collected traces; On-line and off-line metrics and measurements; Incident estimation and monitoring; Internet access monitoring; Spy software; Internet monitoring, filtering and blocking software; Monitoring Internet traffic to optimize network bandwidth; Remote monitoring

REPORT: Experiences & lessons learnt in securing networks and applications
    Platforms for electronic distribution of plane tickets; Platforms for electronic distribution of hotel booking; Data accuracy; E-trade strengths and weaknesses; Malicious spyware; Blocking without quarantining the systems/networks; Out-of-band intrusion prevention; Antivirus e-mail gateways software; Security and vulnerability engineering

USSAF: User safety, privacy, and protection over Internet
    Countermeasures on fraud prevention; Trust, trust estimators, and trust mitigation in public e-business; Customer protection and serviceability perception; Privacy impacts of emergency presence services; Authentication/authorization; Biometric methodologies and ID Cards; Security on hardware and smart cards; Identity management; Automated security analysis; Electronic Privacy; Anonymity and pseudo-anonymity; Security compliance; Public safety, Instance messages; Presence protocols; Priority user service

SYVUL: Systems vulnerabilities
    Vulnerability specification languages; System vulnerability assessment; Formal methods for safety-critical systems; Prediction capabilities of vulnerability discovery models; Highly vulnerable systems; Critical vulnerabilities; Errors and configurations leading to vulnerabilities; Incident reports and handling; Networks resiliency methods; Capacity planning for resilience and emergency; Operational resilience; Theory of disaster-tolerant systems; Web service vulnerability; Protocol vulnerability; Vulnerabilities in database systems; Vulnerability in control systems; Vulnerability analysis and. requirements for the security; Vulnerabilities by self-managed sensors; Recovery by disruption resource procedures; Common vulnerability scoring systems; Cost models and vulnerability business impact

SYDIA: Systems diagnosis

    Diagnosis platforms; Diagnosis policy language; Diagnosis event formats; Process algebras for systems diagnosis; Probabilistic diagnosis of multiprocessor systems; Self-diagnosis in distributed systems; Cognitive system diagnosis; System diagnosis using propagation models; Technical intuition in systems diagnosis; Managing conflicts in systems diagnosis; Hybrid systems diagnosis; Diagnosis tools; End-to-end diagnosis; Remote system diagnosis; Diagnosis licensing; Real-time symptom detection and fixing actions; Forensic/real-time/anticipative diagnosis; Diagnosing mobility-oriented systems; Diagnosis of discrete event systems; Diagnosis of complex dynamical systems

CYBER-FRAUD: Cyber fraud
    Epidemiological models for warware and cyber-crime propagation; Record and retrieval of cyber-crimes; Forensic analysis; Cyber-crime prevention; Cyber-crime vulnerabilities; Cyber-counterattack at source; Distributed cyber-attacks; Orchestrated cyber-attacks; Recursion attacks; Cyber-storm attacks; Spyware and malware; Cyber-pranks, hoaxes; Phishing/Pharming and anti-phishing; Cyber-terrorism; Online cyber-crime reporting; Accuracy and security of cyber-reports; Fighting cyber-crimes; Cyber-crime laws

BUSINESS: Business continuity
    Regulatory compliance; Techniques for business continuity planning in the real world; Business contingency and resumption planning; Emotional continuity management; Semiotic engineering of online services; Emergency preparedness for industry and commerce; Updating, auditing and testing plans; Reduce downtime with continuous backup; Global connectivity and international formats; Web-based planning tools; Automatic high speed notification and response for business continuity; Centralized management; Businesses continuity planning software; On-demand business transformation

RISK: Risk assessment
    Risk assessment information systems; Modeling risk assessment; Risk Assessment methods; Global risk assessment; Qualitative risk assessments; Quantitative risk assessment; Challenges in risk assessment; Risk assessment for economy; Risk assessment for security of communications systems; Safety risk assessment; Health system risk assessment; Integrated risk assessment; Planning tools for proactive risk assessment; Risk management; Risk factors and economic impact; Risk metrics and calibration; Precaution and risk balance; Risk and economic analysis of terrorism events; Risk analysis for extreme events; Life cycle assessment in decision making; Environmental risk assessment; Credit ratings risk assessment; Risk Assessment statistics & numerical data; Risk assessment standards; Risk assessment tools and support software

TRUST: Privacy and trust in pervasive communications
    Trust development and management; Engineering requirements for trust management; Formalisms for trust specification, verification and validation; Logics for the analysis of trust and for reasoning about trust; Legal framework for online trust environments; Trust in semantic Web services; Reputation systems; Distributed trust management; Trust on anonymous documents; Privacy and trust; Trust in collaborative work and risk assessment; Risk analysis to assess user trust; Human behaviors in trusted environments; Trust in virtual communities; Trust mediation in knowledge management; Trust planning and evaluation metrics; Trust policies; Self-adaptable trust mechanisms; Identity Management in pervasive environments (requirements, levels of abstractions, context, protection, etc.); Assurance (compliance, assurance, audit, security requirements)

RIGHT: Digital rights management
    Ontology and frameworks on digital rights management; Digital rights property languages; Semantic and encoding of digital rights; Rights granularity; Digital right technologies; Digital rights management schemes; Federated digital rights management; Distributed digital rights management; Copyright protection schemes; Digital rights management ands social norms; Faire use, innovation, and competition; Trading fair use for digital rights management; Digital rights management and open access; Privacy engineering for digital rights management; Value-centered design for digital rights management; Free software and digital rights management; P2P and digital rights management; Broadband/IPTV content protection and digital rights management; Digital right management and content licensing; Digital rights management issues in real-time and safety/mission systems; RFID tags for digital rights management; Digital rights management in learning systems; Legal policy and digital right !

BIOTEC: Biometric techniques
    Models and techniques for biometric technologies; Finger, facial, iris, voice, and skin biometrics; Biometric security; Signature recognition; Multimodal biometrics; Verification and identification techniques; Accuracy of biometric technologies; Authentication smart cards and biometric metrics; Performance and assurance testing; Limitations of biometric technologies; Biometric card technologies; Biometric wireless technologies; Biometric software and hardware; Biometric standards

EMDRM: Enterprise & Media DRM
    Digital Policy Management; Enterprise Rights Management (adoption and case studies); DRM Interoperability; Operational Risk Management; Compliance and Regulatory Frameworks (SOX, Basel II, HIPPA, etc.); Corporate Governance; Content and Knowledge Management (financial, CAD, IP, trade secrets, etc.); Interorganizational System (IOS); Retention Policies and Classification; Traceability, Monitoring, tracking, usage metering, audit trails


ICIMP 2016 Committee:

ICIMP General Chair
Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

ICIMP Advisory Committee
Go Hasegawa, Osaka University, Japan
Sathiamoorthy Manoharan, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Constantin Paleologu, University ‘Politehnica’ Bucharest, Romania
Michael Grottke, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Emmanoil Serelis, University of Piraeus, Greece
William Dougherty, Secern Consulting - Charlotte, USA

ICIMP Industry/Research Chairs
Matthew Dunlop, United Sates Army Cyber Command, USA
Mohamed Eltoweissy, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Nicolas Fischbach, COLT Telecom, Germany
Emir Halepovic, AT&T Labs - Research, USA
Miroslav Velev, Aries Design Automation, USA
Wei Wang, SnT Centre, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Wenjing Wang, Attila Technologies, USA
Steffen Wendzel, Fraunhofer FKIE, Germany
Artsiom Yautsiukhin, National Council of Research, Italy

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