Dear NC1186 group,
Please welcome Amanda Bayer to the group! Below is the current listserv
Thank you!
Amy Fulcher
Assistant Professor for Sustainable Ornamental Plant Production and
Landscape Management
2431 Joe Johnson Drive
Rm 252 Ellington Plant Science Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996
email: [log in to unmask]
office: 865-974-7152
fax: 865-974-1947
skype: a.fulcher.37996
On 5/1/15 9:13 AM, " LISTSERV Server (15.5)"
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>[log in to unmask] James Altland
>[log in to unmask] Bill Bauerle
>[log in to unmask] Mandy Bayer
>[log in to unmask] Richard Beeson
>[log in to unmask] Bridget Behe
>[log in to unmask] Guihong Bi
>[log in to unmask] Eugene K. Blythe
>[log in to unmask] Cheryl Boyer
>[log in to unmask] Doug Buhler
>[log in to unmask] Raul Cabrera
>[log in to unmask] Matthew Chappell
>[log in to unmask] Yan Chen
>[log in to unmask] Lauren Crawford
>[log in to unmask] Bert Cregg
>[log in to unmask] Win Dunwell
>[log in to unmask] Win C. Dunwell
>[log in to unmask] Winston Dunwell
>[log in to unmask] Winston Dunwell
>[log in to unmask] Tom Fernandez
>[log in to unmask] Paul Fisher
>[log in to unmask] Amy Fulcher
>[log in to unmask] Gary Grabow
>[log in to unmask] Mengmeng Gu
>[log in to unmask] Charlie Hall
>[log in to unmask] Frank Henning
>[log in to unmask] Chuan Hong
>[log in to unmask] Marc van Iersel
>[log in to unmask] Hye-Ji Kim
>[log in to unmask] Jongyun Kim
>[log in to unmask] Ping Kong
>[log in to unmask] John Lea-Cox
>[log in to unmask] Anthony LeBude
>[log in to unmask] John Majsztrik
>[log in to unmask] Salvatore Mangiafico
>[log in to unmask] Garry McDonald
>[log in to unmask] Don Merhaut
>[log in to unmask] Michael V Mickelbart
>[log in to unmask] Kati Migliaccio
>[log in to unmask] Gary W. Moorman
>[log in to unmask] Julie Newman
>[log in to unmask] Genhua Niu
>[log in to unmask] Teresa Olczyk
>[log in to unmask] Jim Owen
>[log in to unmask] Jim Owen
>[log in to unmask] Jim Owen
>[log in to unmask] Rosa Raudales
>[log in to unmask] Andrew Ristvey
>[log in to unmask] John Ruter
>[log in to unmask] R. Crofton Sloan
>[log in to unmask] Terri Starman
>[log in to unmask] Dan Struve
>[log in to unmask] Maureen Thiessen
>[log in to unmask] Sarah White
>[log in to unmask] Amy Wright
>[log in to unmask] Tom Yeager
>* Total number of users subscribed to the list: 55
>* Total number of local host users on the list: 0