Dear Job Seeker,
This is an offer of employment from our company by name CO-OPERATIVE GROUP LTD for the post of a representative of our company in the States. This offer is due to the need of a representative to assist our company with her affairs in the States from our teeming individuals and corporate sponsors/donors since we do not have a branch of our company there as a link with our sponsors/donors there. Your title will be customer support specialist if you accept this employment offer you must be a home owner and you will report to Johnny McDowells, the personnel manager.
In the role of a representative, you will be expected to carry out the duties and responsibilities such as
-Keeping records of payment made by our sponsors/donors
-Performing wire transfers for the company and this job is home based and does not require any educational qualification.
We are offering you a base salary of $5,000 monthly which will be a tax-free
For employment with Co-operative group Ltd, you are required to send a reply to the HR manager :([log in to unmask] )
Johnny McDowells
(personnel Manager, Co-operative Group Ltd)
This message was sent to you via the Geometry List, which announces conferences in geometry and closely related areas to over 1200 mathematicians worldwide.
At there are many functions available, including checking the archives since November 2005, changing your e-mail address or preferences, and joining/leaving the list. If you have problems that cannot be resolved at this website, send a message to [log in to unmask]
Before sending an announcement, please carefully read the following. Any announcements that are *not* about conferences (e.g. those about jobs, journals, books, etc.) will be rejected by the moderator without comment. To announce a geometry or closely related conference, send the announcement (including a conference web site if possible) to [log in to unmask] The moderator cannot edit your message; list members will receive the announcement as an e-mail from you EXACTLY as you submitted it. For example, if your submission starts with "Please post this on the geometry list" then your conference announcement will also begin with that statement. In order to keep down the volume of e-mail, only TWO announcements per conference will be approved by the moderator. The "subject" of your message should include the name of the conference and the number (first or second) of the announcement, e.g. Gauss Memorial Lectures in Geometry: Second Announcement. Please check that your announcement (especially the website) is correct. Corrections will be approved only in the most critical situations, e.g. if corrected information is not available on the website. If you send a submission from an e-mail address that is not subscribed to the geometry list then you will be sent an e-mail asking for confirmation. This feature is designed to thwart the hundreds of machine-generated spam that are sent to the list and would otherwise have to be manually blocked by the moderator.
The Geometry List is sponsored and maintained by the Mathematics Department, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.