First Announcement:
The conference "Encounters in Geometry" will take place
in Cabo Frio, Brazil, from June 3 to June 7, 2013.
Further information (and registration) is available at the website
Confirmed speakers:
Gerard Besson (Grenoble)
Christoph Böhm (Münster)
Fernando Codá Marques (IMPA)
Marcos Dajczer (IMPA)
Mohammad Ghomi (Georgia I.T.)
Claudio Gorodski (São Paulo)
Karsten Grove (Notre Dame)
Bernhard Hanke (Augsburg)
Ernst Heintze (Augsburg)
Vitali Kapovitch (Toronto)
Jorge Lauret (Córdoba)
Claude Le Brun (Stony Brook)
André Neves (Imperial College)
Viktor Schroeder (I.M. Zürich)
Natasha Sesum (Rutgers)
Jeff Streets (Irvine)
To be confirmed:
Toby Colding (MIT)
Jost Eschenburg (Augsburg)
Alexander Lytchak (Köln)
Burkhard Wilking (Münster)
Registration is now open at the above website.
The conference is supported by CNPq, FAPERJ, FAPESP, CAPES and IMPA.
Furthermore, a grant from the National Science Foundation
will cover travel expenses for participants from the United States.
Application for travel support should be sent to
Wolfgang Ziller at [log in to unmask]
Graduate students, recent postdocs, and members of underrepresented
are particularly encouraged to apply.
In case of graduate stuents, please ask your advisor for a letter of
recommendation sent to above e-mail address as well.
Priority will be given to those requesting support before March 1st, 2013.
From the Organizing Committee,
Luis Florit (IMPA,Rio de Janeiro),
Wolfgag Ziller (UPENN, Philadelphia)
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