Dear Colleague,
You are cordially invited to attend the 48th annual Cornell Topology
Festival, which will be held Friday-Monday, May 7-10, 2010. The program
will feature several one-hour talks, a table for preprints, and much
opportunity for conversation. Two introductory workshops will focus on
the area of applications of profinite groups. The invited speakers will
also participate in a panel discussion on recent developments in
topology and related fields. Social activities will include an opening
reception, a banquet, two working luncheons, and a picnic.
Financial support is available and may be requested by filling in the
registration form at
Requests are due by April 2. Young researchers and members of
underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.
Speakers will include:
* Miklos Abert, University of Chicago
* Indira Chatterji, Ohio State University and Université d'Orléans
* Karsten Grove, University of Notre Dame
* Jeremy Kahn, Stony Brook University
* Dan Margalit, Tufts University
* Nikolay Nikolov, Imperial College London
* Doug Ravenel, University of Rochester
* Ed Swartz, Cornell University
* Dani Wise, McGill University
* Robert Young, IHES
In addition, the festival will begin with a special lecture by Eugene
Dynkin, in honor of his upcoming retirement. Although not directly
related to topology, the lecture will be of interest to most participants.
Further information and a registration form can be found on the festival
web page:
Please register if you plan to attend -- by April 2nd if you are
requesting support, by April 23rd if you plan to attend the banquet.
Inquiries should be addressed to
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