West-coast algebraic topology summer school on the homotopy theory of
moduli spaces
at the University of Oregon, August 9-14.
The summer school is aimed at graduate students and post-docs, though all
are welcome. We will (almost certainly) have support from the National
Science Foundation for thirty student/post-doc participants, including
local accommodations and partial reimbursement of travel expenses.
The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences will support
travel by Canadian students.
Scientific plan: The topic of the summer school will be the homotopy
theoretic approach to moduli spaces. Particular focus will be on
approaches to Mumford's conjecture (Madsen-Weiss' theorem), the
study of cobordism categories, and to other related results and
recent developments.
Format: The basic model is that of some participants preparing and
giving lectures which have been planned in advance by the
scientific committee, a model which has been employed successfully
elsewhere. We also plan to limit the number of lectures each day and
then use the additional time for activities to complement lectures and
engage participants in a full range of ideas. Some possible activities
could be: problem sessions which in particular can emphasize calculations
related to the main narrative of lectures; smaller lectures which could
fill in background for less experienced participants or go further into
recent advances for more experienced participants; reading assignments
which could be done in between an introductory lecture and a more detailed
lecture based on a paper.
Scientific committee: Soren Galatius, Paolo Salvatore and Oscar
Randall-Williams, Johannes Ebert, David Ayala and Nathalie Wahl.
Organizing committee: Alejandro Adem, Ralph Cohen and Dev Sinha.
Sponsoring organizations: the National Science Foundation, the University
of Oregon, Stanford University, and the Pacific Institute for the
Mathematical Sciences.
There will also be a workshop on operator algebras and conformal field
theory, led by Andre Henriques, at the University of Oregon in the
following week. We should add that Oregon in the summertime is a
wonderful place to visit.
Please register at the page:
Graduate students and post-docs can apply for partial travel reimbursement
and room & board (dormitory) for the week. Faculty can reserve the
room & board plan. We ask that you register even if you do not require
any of these, so we can plan (and report) appropriately.
Questions can be directed to Dev Sinha ([log in to unmask]).
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