First announcement
Progress in Dynamics
November 23-27, 2009
Institut Henri Poincaré
The scope of the conference will be wide, but it will emphasize specific
problems in dynamical systems, smooth ergodic theory, and related topics,
including differential geometry, group theory and number theory, to name a
few, that have seen much progress, but where significant problems vital to
the field remain open. Specific examples are the Katok entropy rigidity
conjecture for geodesic flows of negatively curved manifolds, the Boltzmann
ergodic hypothesis, Liouvillean phenomena, the construction of metrics with
ergodic geodesic flow, smooth rigidity of actions of abelian groups of
higher rank. We will honor Anatole Katok on the occasion of his 65th birthday.
The conference will act as a catalyst for research in mathematics and its
applications, providing a venue for established scholars to interact - not
only with each other, but also with the junior scholars that will play an
essential role now and in the years to come. Accordingly, there will be an
emphasis on involving young mathematicians in dynamical systems.
Limited support for participants is expected to be available. Recent
recipients of doctoral degrees, women, and members of traditionally
underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
For more information and registration please consult
Scientific Program Committee
Boris Hasselblatt
François Ledrappier
Yakov Pesin
Jean-Paul Thouvenot
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz
Organizing Committee
Bassam Fayad
Raphaël Krikorian
Patrice Le Calvez
Feliks Przytycki
Jean François Quint
Invited Speakers
Artur Avila
Yves Benoist
Vitaly Bergelson
Patrick Bernard
Emmanuel Breuillard
Keith Burns
Gilles Courtois
Danijela Damjanovic
Dmitry Dolgopyat
Patrick Eberlein
Håkan Eliasson
Renato Feres
Livio Flaminio
Giovanni Forni
John Franks
Étienne Ghys
Gennadi Henkin
Michael Jakobson
Vadim Kaloshin
Mariusz Lemanczyk
Howard Masur
Sheldon Neuhouse
He Oh
François Parreau
Marina Ratner
Daniel Rudolph
David Ruelle
Nessim Sibony
Nimish Shah
Amie Wilkinson
Maciej Wojtkowski
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