Representations of fundamental groups of surfaces: First Announcement
September 1-5, 2008
Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques, Luminy, France
Organizers: Oscar Garcia-Prada, William Goldman, Francois Labourie
conference website:
More than to report on the very last recent developments, the purpose
of this conference is to bring together researchers in different
fields - complex geometry, dynamics, Teichmueller theory, cluster algebra,
hyperbolic geometry, discrete groups - to explore connections between
these topics and explain to others the background of their subjects.
Therefore, talks will be elementary and introductory. This format will
be heavily influenced by the style of the American Institute of Mathematics,
the site of a similar workshop in 19-23 March 2007. The speakers in the
minicourses are Joergen Andersen, Alexander Goncharov, Pascal Hubert.
We expect to cover local expenses of most participants. Thanks to our
NSF support, we may hope to cover also some travel expenses for some
of the US based participants. Young researchers will be encouraged.
Registration: All intending participants should complete and submit
the application form online before the deadline of 30 April 2008,
even those who have been contacted at a preliminary stage. An
automatic acknowledgement will be sent on submission. Applicants will
be informed, soon after the deadline, whether their application has
been successful. Due to the capacity of the lecture room, the number
of participants is limited and it may not be possible to accept all
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