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P2P May 2007


[CFP RDDS 2007] Workshop on Reliability in Decentralized Distributed Systems


Eiko Yoneki <[log in to unmask]>


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Fri, 4 May 2007 17:05:34 +0100





text/plain (162 lines)

[Our apologies for possible duplicates of this message]
Second International Workshop on Reliability in Decentralized Distributed
Systems (RDDS'07)


Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, Nov 25 - 30, 2007 Proceedings will be
published by Springer Verlag

Middleware has become a popular technology for building distributed systems
from tiny sensor networks to large scale peer-to-peer (P2P) networks.
Support such as asynchronous and multipoint communication is well suited for
constructing reactive distributed computing applications over wired and
wireless networks environments. While middleware infrastructures exhibit
attractive features from an application development perspective (e.g.,
portability, interoperability, adaptability etc.), they are often lacking in
robustness and reliability. Distributed systems become increasingly large
and complex, thereby compounding many reliability problems that necessitate
different strategies and solutions. 

For example, in the inherently distributed nature of P2P networks, the most
common solution to reliability is to take advantage of redundancy. The same
task can be initially assigned to multiple peers. In file sharing
applications, data can be replicated across many peers. In messaging
applications, messages can be simultaneously sent along multiple paths.
Redundancy may not be appropriate, however, in resource-constrained
environments such as wireless ad hoc networks where more lightweight
alternatives are needed. Some systems even rely on autonomic management
technologies inspired by nature and biological organisms to cope with the
challenges of scale, complexity, heterogeneity and unpredictability. In any
case, the system model (e.g., communication, failures) and application
requirements are key factors in the design of reliably mechanisms. 

Among different aspects of reliability issues, this workshop focuses on
reliability in decentralized distributed systems. While decentralized
architectures are gaining adoption is most application domains, there is
still some reluctance in deploying them in systems with high dependability
requirements. This has led, over the past few years, to several academic and
industrial research efforts aimed at correcting this deficiency. For the
most part, these research efforts have been independent of each other, and
have often focused on specific pieces of the dependability puzzle. Our aim,
in this Workshop, is to bring researchers and practitioners together, to
further our insights on reliable decentralized architectures and to
investigate collectively the challenges that remain. 


The purpose of the RDDS 2007 workshop on Reliability in Distributed
Decentralized Systems is to bring together researchers from diverse
communities who are interested in building dependable reliable distributed
systems in decentralized form, to explore ways of making today's middleware
technologies more robust, and to discuss and exchange experimental or
theoretical results, novel design, work-in-progress, experience, case study,
and trend-setting ideas. We seek contributions from researchers of all
backgrounds, in particular peer-to-peer systems, messaging, ad hoc
communication, middleware and distributed systems, and autonomic management


- The Workshop solicits contributions on topics related to, but not limited
to, the following: 
- Reliable communication, architectures and algorithms
- Lessons learned in building/using dependable middleware: what works, what
- Integrating dependable embedded and enterprise middleware systems
- Trade-offs in adding other "-ilities" (survivability, adaptability,
scalability, availability, mobility, security, real-time, etc.) to reliable
middleware infrastructures
- Integration of dependability into formal distributed object models
- Shaping/enhancing standards for reliable middleware
- Evaluating dependability for middleware applications
- Limitations of existing fault tolerance technologies in the context of
middleware applications
- Metrics, benchmarks and performance studies in evaluating reliability for
middleware applications
- Combining different dependability strategies, e.g., replication with
- Self-healing, self-protecting systems
- Autonomic system management
- Reliability measurement, modelling and evaluation
- Tools for design and evaluation of reliable systems
- Application-specific reliable system (e.g., embedded systems, Web,
- Enabling technologies for self-managing systems and networks
- Economic, biological and social models used for autonomic communications
- Timeliness and availability in support of reliability
- QoS for reliable systems 

	Abstract Submission Deadline	     July 14, 2007	   
 	Paper Submission Deadline	 	     July 22, 2007	   
 	Acceptance Notification	 	     September 1, 2007	   
 	Camera Ready Due	 	            September 10, 2007	   
 	Registration Due	 	            September 10, 2007	   
 	OTM Conferences	 	            November 25 - 30, 2007	 


All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality,
significance, technical soundness, clarity of expression, and relevance to
IFIP WG 2.12 & WG 12.4. All submissions must be in English, and will be
refereed by a program committee comprising members of the Working Group.
Research submissions must not exceed 10 pages following the Springer format.
Submissions should be made in PDF format. Detailed formatting instructions
can be found at: 
The final proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag as LNCS. Failure
to commit to presentation at the conference automatically excludes a paper
from the proceedings. 
The paper submission site will be announced shortly.
Accepted workshop contributions will be published by Springer-Verlag as LNCS
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science) as a part of the workshop proceedings of
the 2007 International On The Move Federated Conferences (OTM). Registering
to the OTM conference and RDDS workshop is a prerequisite for the paper to
be published. 
Failure to commit to presentation at the conference automatically excludes a
paper from the proceedings. 


Eiko Yoneki
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge 
Cambridge, CB3 0FD
United Kingdom
Phone: (+44) 1223 763743
Email: [log in to unmask]

Pascal Felber
Dependable and Distributed Computing Group
Université de Neuchâtel 
Institut d'informatique
CH-2007 Neuchâtel
Phone: (+41) 32 728 2709
Email: [log in to unmask]

Program Committee Members

Licia Capra - University College of London, UK 
Paolo Costa - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Simon Courtenage - University of Westminster, UK 
Patrick Eugster - Purdue University, USA 
Ludger Fiege - Siemens Research, Germany 
Christos Gkantsidis - Microsoft Research, UK 
Michael Kounavis - Intel Research, USA 
Marco Mamei - Università di Modena, Italy 
Gero Muehl - TU Berlin, Germany 
Jonathan Munson - IBM T J Watson Research Center, USA 
Maziar Nekovee - BT Research and University College of London, UK 
Andrea Passarella - IIT-CNR, Italy 
Peter Pietzuch - Imperial College London, UK 
Matthieu Roy - LAAS-CNRS, France 
Francois Taiani - Lancaster University, UK 
Einar Vollset - Cornell University, USA 

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