Launch Meeting for the Journal of Topology
A few weeks ago, the launch of the new Journal of Topology
was announced (see below for a full statement of the announcement).
To mark the start of the new venture, the
editors will hold a short scientific meeting in the Mathematical Institute
in Oxford, UK, from March 19 to March 21. The list of speakers will
Martin Bridson (Imperial)
Ralph Cohen (Stanford)
Kenji Fukaya (Kyoto)
Jean Lannes (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)
Wolfgang Lueck (Muenster)
John Roe (Penn State)
The editors would like to invite all who are interested to join them!
Talks will start on Monday afternoon and the meeting will end
at lunch time on Wednesday.
More information on the meeting will be posted
The meeting is supported by a grant from the LMS and funds are available
for research students. For any further information,
please contact Ulrike Tillmann at [log in to unmask]
ANNOUNCEMENT: Journal of Topology
It is with great pleasure that we announce the launch of a new journal, to
be called the Journal of Topology, that will publish its first issue in
January 2008. The Board of the Journal will be
Michael Atiyah,
Martin Bridson,
Ralph Cohen,
Simon Donaldson,
Nigel Hitchin,
Frances Kirwan,
Marc Lackenby,
Jean Lannes,
Wolfgang L"uck,
John Roe,
Graeme Segal,
Ulrike Tillmann,
and Ulrike Tillmann will be the Managing Editor.
Aims and Scope:
The Journal of Topology will publish papers of high
quality and significance in topology, geometry and adjacent areas of
mathematics. Interesting, important and often unexpected links connect
topology and geometry with many other parts of mathematics, and the
editors welcome submissions on exciting new advances concerning such
links, as well as those in the core subject areas of the journal.
The Journal of Topology will appear in quarterly issues with
articles posted individually on line.
Guidelines for paper submission:
The journal invites submissions from January 16, 2007.
During 2007, these may be sent as a single PDF or Postscript file,
attached to an
email to [log in to unmask] Please do not send more than one file per
submission, or use other file formats, during the review process. The
paper should be submitted exclusively to the Journal of Topology and must
not be under consideration elsewhere. Authors are recommended to use
lms.cls when preparing the paper for submission and this can be found at
Please include in the email, the names of authors, title of paper and the
name of the member of the Editorial Board who you feel is the most
appropriate person to handle your paper.
If the email has been received and the file is readable, you will receive
an acknowledgement within one week.
The journal will have fully electronic submission forms and manuscript
tracking system
set up later in the year.
If you have further enquiries about the journal, please contact Dr Susan
Hezlet, Publisher LMS, at [log in to unmask], or the Managing Editor
at [log in to unmask]
The price of the Journal for Volume 1 (four issues) including electronic
access will be £300 or $570
in 2008, although we plan further discounts for libraries who take our
other journals. The journal is owned by the LMS, a not-for-profit
publisher and the pre-eminent British society for research mathematics,
and will be typeset, printed and distributed on our behalf by Oxford
University Press. All sales enquiries should be made to
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